IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photorejuvenation

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Intense pulsed light (IPL) photorejuvenation is a skin treatment that erases skin imperfections, such as dark spots, redness, or acne. Light pulses penetrate the tissue and create heat, targeting the skin in a controlled manner. The body’s natural healing process then removes the treated imperfection, while collagen and elastin fiber stimulation occurs, resulting in a visible improvement in skin tone and overall appearance.

Best results are seen in a series of 3 sessions. 

IPL photorejuvenation is a great eraser for surface irregularities, including:

  • Brown or dark spots from sun damage
  • Redness
  • Broken Capillaries
  • Acne
  • & More!

Unlock the secret to younger looking skin

What to expect with IPL Photorejuvenation:

Recovery time for an IPL/Glow up treatment varies depending on the individual and the extent of the treatment. A general recovery time is 3 days-2 weeks. 

Redness, itchiness, flaking, and minor swelling are common side effects that typically resolve about a week following your treatment.

The full IPL treatment requires some downtime. Please make sure to follow your providers instructions. This includes avoiding sun exposure for at least 2 weeks, stopping the use of retinols and exfoliants 2-3 days prior to your treatment, keeping the treating area clean and moisturized, and refraining from picking the treated area. 

Most patients require 3-5 sessions for optimal benefit spaced at 4-6 week intervals.  Gradual improvements in tone and texture may be seen in as little as 2-3 weeks after the first session, and benefits of collagen products start appearing after 3 months.

Not Sure What Treatment Is Right For You?

We offer a free 30 minute consultation for new clients to build a customized skin care and anti-aging routine. 

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